Save as little as £1 and get a free £10 bonus, to spend on what you fancy

Chip is a savings app, offering you competitive savings rates for your savings, allowing you to to earn 0.7% AER (variable) in the Allica account accessed via the app, and if you are lucky enough to have some extra cash, will allow you to save up to £85,000 in your account.
If you don't have a windfall to save, and just want to add a little cash now and then, that's fine, you can do this very easily, via the app, especially as the app has the facility to link directly to your banking app, and thus making a deposit takes just a few seconds to do! From early 2022, you’ll also be able to get access to the free AI autosaving feature which will let you set up a regular payment to your saving account, making saving easy, secure and fast, and you can of course withdraw your money whenever you need it!
Chip are offering The Penny Pincher friends, a £10 bonus when you sign up to the free service with our special LINK - To qualify, you need to use our LINK, download the app, register & then navigate to the head to the "Promos & Referrals" section on your profile, and enter the code CHIP-DLY260 and deposit £1 into the account, and then in 30 days time, you will be rewarded with a £10 bonus, which you can withdraw, together with your £1, or you can keep it in your account, to put towards your savings, so is risk free!

It never hurts to have a savings account, even putting just £1 a week into it, means you will have £52 extra savings every year, or a fiver a week, is over £250, which could pay for your Christmas, and the free £10 is an added bonus!