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Mobility Needs Market Research Project - Pays £50

We're looking for people who have mobility needs in their home. This could be you or someone you care for.

The research consists of a 1 hour online user test with an independent researcher. The dates available are Tuesday 29th September, Tuesday 20th October or Wednesday 21st October.

As a thank you for your time and valuable input you will receive £50 for taking part.

General eligibility is as follows - we can't tell you any more at this stage, but it should give you an idea of whether or not it's worth applying:

You must be aged 18+

You must not work in advertising, market research, journalism/PR or anything related to the web design, or home mobility industry

You must not have taken part in research during the past 6 months, nor must you be booked to do so shortly

Online Application Link:

Click on the button below to apply for this study. When asked how you found out about the study, please choose Somebody who had this forwarded to them by a friend and enter the friends contact name as Al Baker, as detailed in image below. We receive a thank you payment for referring you to the study, and this helps pay our website operating costs.


This post may contain referral links. Commission earned from such a link, helps to pay our website costs and keeps this website free for you to enjoy.


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