With temperatures in the UK about to hit record highs over the coming days, Showcase Cinemas are giving all redheads free standard cinema tickets on Monday the 18th of July and Tuesday the 19th of July!
Showcase Cinemas say "Experts say the UK is soon to witness its hottest EVER days on record and since redheads are often more vulnerable than most to the sun’s rays, we're giving them shelter from the sun inside our fully air-conditioned cinema screens to catch the latest blockbusters for no cost at all!"
If you are a redhead and fancy a free movie, simply go to the box office on Monday or Tuesday and you will be given a free ticket. I'm interested to see how many people rock up with red wigs or coloured hair to blag a free ticket and would love to know if they get away with it... personally, I think they should also be including fat, balding 48-year-old men as well, as we sweat and get burnt bald spots in the sun, so could use the help ;)
You can find out more about the deal and find your nearest Showcase Cinema HERE