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Try It Sampling Community- Sample & Review Products

Try It - A massive variety of products for you to try for free and to review
Try It - A massive variety of products for you to try for free and to review

So what could be better than discounted products? FREE products, that's what's better!

So let me introduce you to the Try It Sampling Community. Try It work with all sorts of brands and businesses, they offer Try It members, a frequently changing range of different products, for free, to test out and review!

The Try It website will update pretty regularly with new offers that Try It think fit in with your likes, you then select the item, Try It ship to you home, and as the name suggests, you try it out!

In exchange for the freebies, you need to then leave, an honest, review of the item, via the Try It website, and then you are done.

Product ranges vary massively, one day it could be chocolate, the next cosmetics and the day after that it could be a scarf! There really is a wide variety of items.

Ok, so what's the down side, what's the catch, I hear you ask? There isn't really one APART FROM it's flipping hard to be accepted onto the Try It Sampling Community!

They only allow a certain number of subscribers, and only take applications for new members, every so often.

Once you are on, the products get snapped up extremely fast, you really have to be on the ball, drop everything you are doing, when the Try It email comes in, letting you know that a new sample is available, and get yourself straight onto the Try It website.... If you snooze, I guarantee you will lose!

So how can I join? In the UK, as I say, it's hard to get accepted. You need to fill out a new member form and you are then added to the wait list. Your application is reviewed, and if they think you are a fit, they will invite you to join.

There is a link to the sign up form below. If this link takes you to a page saying that Try It aren't currently accepting new applications, try again in a few weeks time, it opens up, and then closes, quickly, fairly often.

Click here for the sign up page


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