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Maximise Your 2025 Annual Leave With These Bank Holiday Hacks!

Find out what days to book off from work in 2025 to grab the maximum amount of time off, using the least amount of your annual leave allowance

Find out what days to book off from work in 2025 to grab the maximum amount of time off, using the least amount of your annual leave allowance

As the Christmas break fades into just a memory, the January Blues kick in, and we all start to regret not actually doing all the things we meant to do over the festive break (there's never enough time is there?), so we start thinking about booking our annual leave for the coming year!

The stresses of working at least a five-day week soon mount up, and it's important to have a good work-life balance, so taking an extended break that doesn't eat up your holiday allowance is one of the best ways to take time out and unwind. 

You could consider visiting somewhere like the Palace Hotel in Inverness for a relaxing break, or somewhere closer to where you're located.

The good news is that In 2024, taking advantage of bank holidays creates numerous opportunities for those full-time workers, who don't normally work weekends, to be able to extend their bank holiday time off with these annual leave hacks and booking the minimum number of days of annual leave entitlement, to be able to take a longer break and take the maximum number of days off consecutively! 

Below is a guide to the key dates to book off from work to give you the maximum number of days off work, using the minimum number of annual leave days! 


The 1st of January 2025 is a Wednesday, so book Thursday and Friday off for a five-day break.


April is a good month to take some time off work. If you are living in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, you can have 16 consecutive days off when you book Monday 14th to Thursday 17th and Tuesday 22nd to Friday 25th.

Book off 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th & 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th April (England, Wales and Northern Ireland); 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th & 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th April (Scotland)

May Bank Holiday

The early May bank holiday is on May 5th, so if you book off May 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, you'll have then had the 3rd and 4th off as they are the weekend, and had the whole bank holiday week off and the following weekend, meaning you've had 9 days off in a row, for 4 days of holiday.

There's also a late May bank holiday on May 26th, so you could book off the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th and as the 24th and 25th are the weekend, and you'll then get the following weekend away from work as well, you've got another 9 days off in a row.

If you've used both May time off hacks, you've used 8 days of annual leave and had two lots of 9 days off in a row during the month! 

August Bank Holiday​

Monday, August 25th is another bank holiday, so the 23rd and 24th are a weekend; the 25th is the summer bank holiday, so book off the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th, then you'll have the 30th of August and the 31st August as a weekend, meaning that's a nine-day holiday off work, for just 4 days of annual leave so that you can maximise some time off at this end of summer period. 

Days to book off : 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th July (Northern Ireland); 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th August (Scotland); 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th August (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


You can end 2025 and make the most of the festive season, with 13 days off using only six days of annual leave. Christmas Day and Boxing Day fall on a Thursday and Friday this year, so if you book off December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 27th, 30th and 31st, it'll give you a decent amount of time off to enjoy the festive period. You'll also get January 1st off as well, as it's New Year's Day, so that's a 13-day break, which could give you plenty of time to go and find some winter sun!

Days to book off : 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 29th, 30th, 31st December (All UK)

Unless you're in Scotland, the 2nd is a normal work day, but you could book off the 2nd of January 2026, and then you won't have to return to the reality of the office until January 5th! 

The only slight issue with these dates is that they may well not align perfectly with school term and school holidays! You may be able to get this extra time away from work, but that doesn't mean that the kids will be allowed to take that time away from school, so it doesn't always work perfectly if you have to factor in school holidays! Also, the bank holiday elements of the dates are often when holiday companies, hotels and attractions ramp up their prices, so again, it might be better to save your annual leave for a more off-peak time when demand for holidays is lower, and is the ideal time for being able to make a significant saving by booking then instead! This is especially relevant for your summer holiday!

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