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Quick Thoughts Paid Survey App

Quick Thoughts is a survey based app available on both IOS and Android phones.

The app will show you a list of available surveys and the payment you will receive for conducting the survey. The normal payment is 50p per survey, with the occasional higher paying survey.

There is a minimum £10 payout, so it can take a little while to get paid. Payment is made by E-voucher.

If you are on a IOS device, you will receive a ITunes voucher, if you are using an Android device, you will receive a Amazon voucher. If you are using an IOS device and don't want a ITunes voucher, you can ask a friend with an Android device if you can download the app and then log in using your credentials and request a payout , and this will then come in the form of an Amazon voucher.

The surveys vary in length and can be just a couple of minutes, to around 30 minutes.


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