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Pop On Your Wellies And Head Down To 'Open Farm Sunday' 2024

On Sunday, the 9th of June 2024, hundreds of farms throughout the UK will be opening their doors, or perhaps I should say gates, for members of the public to come and explore real working farms

Have you herd, you can have an udderly free day down on the farm this June, with Open Farm Sunday

On Sunday, June 9th, 2024, hundreds of farms throughout the UK will open their doors, or perhaps I should say gates, for members of the public to explore real working farms and participate in the showcasing of British farming as the 2024 Open Farm Sunday event kicks off.

Teams of volunteers will be on hand, at this free event, and they'll take this fantastic opportunity to talk to you about how farming works and answer any questions you may have. They'll be able to give you information on that particular farm’s individual story and its history and show you how the farm runs.

On Sunday, the 11th of June 2023, hundreds of farms throughout the UK will be opening their doors, or perhaps I should say gates, for members of the public to come and explore real working farms and be involved in the showcasing of British farming, as Open Farm Sunday 2023 kicks off!

What can you do?

As part of this family-friendly event, you'll will be able to explore a working farm and take part in activ­i­ties that range from farm tours, machin­ery dis­plays, trac­tor trailer rides, demon­stra­tions by host farmers, nature walks and nature trails, interaction with animals such as dairy cows, pigs and sheep, plus more.

It's a great opportunity for you and your family to experience the real-life workings of a farm and a better understanding of the huge range of jobs within the farming industry and help your family gain a greater appreciation of the work farmers do, as well as get better educated about animal welfare, British produce and how British food is produced. 

The national event is organised by LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing), a nation­al char­i­ty that helps farm­ers improve their farming by encour­ag­ing them to adopt Inte­grat­ed Farm­ing techniques. LEAF aims to help to cre­ate a bet­ter pub­lic under­stand­ing of farm­ing through their nation­al net­work of Demon­stra­tion Farms, Inno­va­tion Cen­tres, LEAF Edu­ca­tion work and ini­tia­tives like LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, which is the farming industry’s annual open day.

They bring farm­ers and con­sumers togeth­er to raise aware­ness of how farm­ers are work­ing in har­mo­ny with nature to pro­duce good food with envi­ron­men­tal care and to promote sustainability. 

Watch highlights from the 2023 event.

What does it cost?

The event is free, although some farms may ask for a small donation, which is donated to charity. The events get very busy, and so many farms ask visitors to book their visit in advance as visitor numbers have increased steadily in recent years.

You can see which farms are opening up locally by visiting the official Open Farm Sunday Website. Enter your postcode to find a farm you can visit and book tickets if applicable. 

If you can't make it to a farm, you can watch videos that let you follow four farms and see what they get up to throughout the farming seasons.

The events are kid-friendly, so if, like my son, your kids are interested to see what happens on a farm and would like to spend time hanging out with farm animals and real farmers, get some fresh air, and of course, discover all the smells you would expect on a farm, then what better opportunity can you think of to go and explore!

Maybe pack a picnic, take your wellies, and have an adventure! We had a very well spent afternoon, at our local event, taking part in lots of fun activities, although we did spend a fortune at the farm shop.

This year we are heading to Tuesley Farm, near Godalming, Surrey, which is part of the Hall Hunter Partnership and is a fruit farm and we'll get to experience:

  • Farm Machinery displays

  • A children's play area

  • Strawberry picking

  • Fresh fruit for sale

  • Delicious food and drinks to enjoy

We've been there before, as my partner's extended family is involved with the farm, and it's an amazing experience; I'd never seen so many strawberries before in my life!

Further information about the Leaf Open Farm Sunday can be found on the Open Farm Sunday Website.

On Sunday, the 11th of June 2023, hundreds of farms throughout the UK will be opening their doors, or perhaps I should say gates, for members of the public to come and explore real working farms and be involved in the showcasing of British farming, as Open Farm Sunday 2023 kicks off!

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