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Spend Over £7.99 A Month On Magazines? Don't!

If like me, you may well enjoy a flick through a magazine, of an evening, or perhaps at lunchtime... there is something very enjoyable about having a browse of the latest articles, celebrity gossip, recipes, latest tech, and whats new at the cinema.... It's something I got into as a kid, Saturday morning trip to the local newsagent, to grab my copy of Look In and Smash Hits, and covertly sneaking a look at the problem page, of my sisters Just Seventeen magazine.... it's something I expect I will always enjoy... however, the cost of magazines these days are crazy! Even a kids magazine can be £4 or £5, and some of the magazines I enjoy are £7! It reached a point where I stopped buying them as I would pick up 2 or 3 that I fancied and would realise that I wouldn't get much change from £20!

Nowadays, I read as many magazines and I want, magazines from a wide range of countries, covering a wide range of subjects... best of all it's only costing me £7.99 a month! How you may ask, Readly I will answer...

Readly is an online magazine catalogue, offering you the opportunity to read as many magazines as you like, whenever you like, from over 5,000 magazines, from the UK and abroad.

Available as an app for your tablet, phone, or via the Readly website, you can select whatever magazine you like, and read it as an E-Magazine. The magazines are identical to the ones you would buy in the newsagent, and not only can you read the current issue, you also have access to all the older issues as well, so you can read those as well if you would like.

The magazine selection offers you a big range of current, popular, magazines, it's not just the more obscure magazines, such as Stamp Collector Monthly, although I'm sure that many people will enjoy that publication, you will find big name magazines on the service, such as Hello!, Newsweek, BBC Good Food Magazine, and literally hundreds more!

The service shows you the latest editions, when you log in, and even suggests magazines that it thinks might be of interest to you, based on your previous magazine choices. One of the nice features is that you can set up separate profiles within your account, so that all of your family members can have their own profile, allowing them to log in and see magazines that are focused towards their likes, and you aren't stuck with a screen full of football magazines, comics, etc, when you log in!

There are also a couple of newspapers included, as well, The Evening Standard & The Independent, and you can read those at no extra cost also.

The service also features magazines from outside of the UK, including those printed in other languages, and so if you would like to read German magazines, or maybe Spanish, that's no problem.

One of the features I like is that many of the links printed in the magazine, actually become clickable, so you can click on them and be taken to the web site being mentioned. I find that really handy!

You can also download the magazines to your device, so perhaps you are off on holiday, with limited internet, or you want something for the plane, your downloaded magazines can be read as normal, which will save you a fortune from buying loads at the WH Smith's at the airport!

Readly costs £7.99 per month, for unlimited use of the service. Obviously it's not quite the same as flicking through a paper magazine, but it does save having to carry a magazine with you, and saves on paper as no trees are harmed in the making of the app! Basically if you spend more than £7.99 a month on magazines, it's well worth the money, or if you fancy reading more, and having a range of magazines at your fingertips, that's bigger than any newsagent will ever have, then it's a brilliant investment, and is also a great gift for someone, plus keeps the kids quiet for ages, as there is a wide range of child friendly magazines available!

If you fancy giving it a try, for FREE for 2 months, then simply sign up HERE and you will have full access to all the magazines. Cancel before the trial ends, and you will pay nothing, otherwise you will pay £7.99 a month going forward, which you can cancel anytime... This deal ends on 31st October 2020

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